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What We Offer

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Our Befriending Services, our Children and Families Drug and Alcohol Support and our Social and Cultural Activities are services we offer to reduce social isolation and the impact of disadvantages to promote the health and mental well-being of our service users to allow them live a happier life.


Our beneficiaries for our older people befriending are older people aged 60 years upwards living in Aberdeen city, who have very little contact with local service providers or close family, are excluded because of age, illness or disabilities or living in isolation or in residential/nursing homes and lack access to appropriate cultural, social and language support.
We prioritize older people from disadvantaged /marginalized groups(such as minority ethnic groups) however our services are accessible to all sections of the community.  We embrace diversity and cater our services to meet individual needs.

Hand of Solace CAFDAAS work with children and their families in Aberdeen City especially those from Black and Minority Ethnic communities and those on asylum to identify and tackle issues causing indulgence in drug and alcohol misuse. The service offers support to help children and their relevant family members manage their well-being and also access the support they need.

Hand of Solace run this social action project supported by BBC Children in Need. 
The project is aimed to empower and support children and young people from black ethnic community in Aberdeen,  to engage in a social action to address issues that matters to them. 

Hand of Solace is excited to bring you this supportive service to stand by Black Ethnic Women in Aberdeen so they can flourish and thrive.

Hand of Solace befriending service offers  Support, friendship and help to deprived young people and their families in Aberdeen who due to poverty or their family circumstances, past experience of abuse/ bully, discrimination, stigmatisation, racism, assaults etc  are now experiencing a mental health crisis including- Low or limited aspirations, Low confidence/esteem,  Undeveloped ‘soft skills’, social isolation etc. 
Hand of Solace offers support by by training volunteers to visit young people and their  families and offer them informal, friendly and confidential support in their own home and within the community.

This is aimed to be a festival which will incorporate group cultural and social activities, social gathering, merriment etc for every member of the Aberdeen community aimed at  promoting diversity, reducing isolation, promoting self- confidence/self-esteem and communal integration. The organization aims to promote an inclusive community where people can integrate irrespective of background such as- age, belief, gender, disability, race, social background etc.

Hand of Solace is delighted to offer referral to the BBC Children in Need Emergency Essentials Programme for disadvantaged young people in Aberdeen who are facing difficult situations.
We shall offer referral to the programme for children and young people who use our Young Peoples Service and also other young people in Aberdeen who meets the programme criteria.

My son struggled socially since we moved to Aberdeen. I was really concerned, but our family and his school have found that he is coming out of his shell. Thanks to his befriender. (....child's parent).


Hand of Solace is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization(SCIO).Our aim is to reduce the impact of disadvantages and promote the health and mental wellbeing of our service users to allow them live a happier life. We do this by offering direct services and support ,to help people make the most of life.




01224 954487/ 07874972641



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Main Office: 41 Regent Quay,

Aberdeen. AB11 5BE. Scotland



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Befriending Networks






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                      Registered Charity Number: SC048192






                                                   © Hand of Solace UK.


                                              Last Updated: Jan 2025.

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