Our beneficiaries for this service are older people aged 60 years upwards living in Aberdeen city, who have very little contact with local service providers or close family, are excluded because of age, illness or disabilities or living in isolation or in residential/nursing homes and lack access to appropriate cultural, social and language support.
We prioritize older people from disadvantaged /marginalized groups(such as minority ethnic groups) however our services are accessible to all sections of the community. We embrace diversity and cater our services to meet individual needs.
We know that many older people may feel either lonely or isolated and the devastating effect this can have on health and well-being.
There are many reasons why someone may feel lonely or isolated, e.g.
Having no close family or friends
Losing contact with family or friends they live far away
Older People living with Dementia
Caring for a loved one
Fear of crime
Lack of transport
Language or cultural barriers
Hand of Solace befriending service aims to provide companionship to older people including those attending day centres, residential/nursing homes, sheltered accommodation and older people living in their own homes. The service is provided by our trained Volunteers.
If you would like a befriender or know someone who could benefit from befriending, they will:-
reminisce about the past
help with reading, writing and form filling
provide a culturally sensitive service
support you to develop wider social networks
accompany you to appointments e.g. G.P, hospital, etc.
support you to engage in social activities
encourage you to use local services and facilities
Should you wish to access this service, please contact us using the contact details below or You can apply online below.
Please note: For Data Protection purposes, We do not accept paper/email referral applications anymore .