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Children and Families Drug and Alcohol Support (CAFDAAS)



Hand of Solace CAFDAAS work with children and their families in Aberdeen City especially those from Black and Minority Ethnic communities and those on asylum to identify and tackle issues causing indulgence in drug and alcohol misuse. The service offers support to help children and their relevant family members manage their well-being and also access the support they need.


The service only support families where there is a child/children being affected by either their own drug/alcohol use or affected by a family member's drug/alcohol use.


CAFDAAS is aimed to be an ongoing support program for children and families in Aberdeen City.  Support offered are confidential, free and provided by our trained Volunteer Family Mentors who offer home support, and our volunteer professional Counsellors and Social Workers who provide added support to the service and series of small group support sessions for children and families in Aberdeen City .


The service also run a peer support group once a month where young people are supported to take charge to discuss their experiences, learn about peers experiences and what may work for their different circumstances to help reduce issues that cause misusing drug /and alcohol and to understand how they may cope with the impact of family member drug/alcohol misuse.


Parent/main carer's formal permission/consent is required for participation.


Hand of Solace CAFDAAS participation is confidential . Only the CAFDAAS team and Counsellor/Social Worker involved knows who is using CAFDAAS.  



How to Access the Service

If you are a parent who wish to use our Children and Families Drug and Alcohol Support (CAFDAAS) or if you wish to refer a child, please apply online below and we shall contact you within one week.

This project has now ended.

If you require any support as regards to this servuce, you may contact us on and we shall give you contact detail of other local organisations that may be of help.



Hand of Solace is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organization(SCIO).Our aim is to reduce the impact of disadvantages and promote the health and mental wellbeing of our service users to allow them live a happier life. We do this by offering direct services and support ,to help people make the most of life.




01224 954487/ 07874972641



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Main Office: 41 Regent Quay,

Aberdeen. AB11 5BE. Scotland



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                      Registered Charity Number: SC048192






                                                   © Hand of Solace UK.


                                              Last Updated: Jan 2025.

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